For Employees

The Participant section of our website provides information regarding all of our programs. Select the program that you are interested in, or in which you are a participant. You may also contact our service center at 1-800-430-7999, to ask questions or request additional information. The participant plans include:

Employer Sponsored 403(b) Plan

The Employer Sponsored 403(b) Plan is designed to provide a tax-advantaged savings vehicle to pay for retiree health care expenses. Other payments may be contributed to the Plan based on years of service, severance and other retirement incentives.

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3121 FICA Alternative Plan

In 1990, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act was passed. Government entities who exercised their Social Security Section 218 exclusion allowance were provided the option of giving their part-time, temporary and seasonal employees a meaningful, defined contribution retirement alternative to Social Security.

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MidAmerica Administrative Solutions works in conjunction with Keenan & Associates in California, to market the Accumulation Program for Part-time and Limited-service Employees (APPLE Plan) to government employers.

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Special Pay Plan

MidAmerica provides Special Pay Plan customer service and administration.

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Health Reimbursement Arrangement

Many governmental Employers continue to provide health care benefits to retiring Employees. These payments can continue for many years, are sometimes taxable to the Employees, and create a significant administrative burden to the Employer.

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